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Klaus Berger takes us back to the ideas of Heaven in the Biblical beginnings in the Old and New Testaments as well as in early Judaism. Ancient oriental and Hellenistic concepts of the world are incorporated.


Wolfgang Beinert reviews the history of mentalities towards Heaven in the western world from its Christian beginnings via modern times to the present day, with additional forays into non-Christian concepts of Heaven.


Christoph Wetzel opens up the wealth of illustrations handed down to us and the changes they undergo through to the modern age. He covers the broad circle of pictorial fabrications which “Heaven” and its various aspects have inspired artists to create from time immemorial.


Medard Kehl familiarizes us with the ideas that link the thinking of contemporary theology with “Heaven” and the hereafter.


Pictures of Heaven


Klaus Berger

Wolfgang Beinert

Christoph Wetzel

Medard Kehl







8 1/2 x 10 5/8 in.

22 x 27 cm

240 pages

over 150 illustrations,

mainly in colour


Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger, Heidelberg

Biblical roots of the concepts of Heaven


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Beinert, Pentling

The history of Heaven:
a cross-section of topics relating to concepts of Heaven

• In seventh heaven: Heaven as a divine realm

• Who lives in Heaven? Angels and other celestial bodies

• Heavenly paradises: Heaven as the otherworldly destination and location of the dead

• Heaven and Earth, eternity and time: Heaven as a cosmic image

(plus additional other points of emphasis)

The portrayal of the individual topics is to be chronological. Traversing the history of each concept and appropriately illustrated. Main focal point: the history of Christianity.
Parallels in Judaism and other religions.


Christoph Wetzel, Göppingen

Selected depictions of Heaven in the history of art

Selected examples


Prof. Dr. Medard Kehl SJ,Frankfurt

Our approach to Heaven today




Klaus Berger, Heidelberg

Dr. theol., Emeritus Professor for New Testament Studies


Wolfgang Beinert, Pentling

Dr. theol., Emeritus Professor for Dogmatic Theology and Dogma History, Regensburg.

Focal points of his scientific work: Fundamental dogmatics – Ecclesiology – Mariology – Eschatology


Christoph Wetzel, Göppingen

Art historian

Publisher and co-author of the “Neuen Belser Stilgeschichte” (New Belser History of Style,

6 volumes, 1985–1989).

His profound interest in the connection between art history and church history is evidenced by numerous contributions to anthologies, as well as with the illustrations for several Bible editions.


Medard Kehl S.J.

Dr. theol., Professor for Dogmatics, Frankfurt/Sankt Georgen

Teaches dogmatics at the Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt/Main; author of the standard work “Die Kirche” (The Church, Echter publishing house); active in the L'Arche movement; extensive lecturing activities, numerous publications (books and journals).